Turtle Girl Designs

Saturday, September 02, 2006

A special day......for a special girl.

Happy Birthday Dan Dan!

Dani's Grammy saves a life!!

August 12, 2006 would have been Dani's second birthday. We celebrated in a BIG way. TGD partnered with Carter Blood Care, Albertson's Grocery and La Dolce Vita Bakery to host a Blood Drive in memory of our girl. It was a HUGE success!! 24 people came to donate life saving blood products and 19 of those were successful. Some people couldn't give for various reasons but we got credit for all attempts. When I say we got "credit" I mean that for every unit of blood collected that day AND every person that attempted to give blood, Carter Blood Care donated $25.00 to our team for The Light the Night Walk in memory of Dani. That means we raised $600.00 that day! Yeeehawwww! It meant so much to see all of our friends and family come out to remember Dani on her special day by giving of themselves and helping to save lives! Dani's life was saved many times by nameless, faceless individuals that gave of themselves for someone they didn't even know. We will forever be grateful to those people. It is because of those angels on earth that we had Dani as long as we did.

Thanks La Dolce Vita

We had a great time at the drive. Turtle Girls set up a table and showed off our stuff. We got a great response from the public and had many orders placed that day added to our total fundraising efforts for this event. Very exciting!

If you live in Denton County or the DFW metroplex and would like to give blood in Dani's name please call your local Carter Blood Care center. YOU could save a life!

The best laid plans...........

I cannot upload pictures. I have NO idea why and no one can seem to figure it out. I am going to try to get in touch with tech support for help. IF I ever get it figured out I will go back and add the pictures. I guess.....I hope you can do that! Geeeesh..........lol...I thought I was techno inclined than this! Until the pictures are available I will just update you all on some VERY EXCITING things going on in Turtle World!